Attulus pubescens (Fabricius, 1775)

Richman, Cutler & Hill 2012
Previously Sitticus pubescens. See Maddison et al., 2020 for recent revision of sitticine jumping spiders and A. fasciger page here.
Richman and Cutler cite Kaston as providing the first published North American records for this common and widespread Eurasian species. Kaston’s account, however, makes it clear that while he knew of no Connecticut records for Sitticus pubescens the species did occur in Massachusetts: Within the last few years
, Kaston relates, Miss Bryant (Elizabeth Bryant, see Anasaitis canosa account) has been finding specimens on brick walls and in the house at her home in Allston, Mass. Bryant’s published account includes a detailed description of Sitticus pubescens, specific records for Massachusetts, and a summary of specimens in the museum collection. Kaston also references the illustration that accompanies Bryant’s paper.
Maddison et al., 2020 Sitticine jumping spiders
Richman and Cutler, 1978

Massachusetts – First State / County Records, References
- ♦ *E. B. Bryant – Sitticus pubescens – Suffolk (Allston), July 1932 – Bryant, 1941: 143-144
- ♦ S. Chapin / MCZ – S. p. – Middlesex (Concord), September 2000 – MCZ record #29887
♦ Connecticut – S. p. – Kaston: 1948: 460
This species has not been found in Connecticut.
; Kaston, 1981: 953We now have Connecticut records.
2 records - Bryant, 1941. Notes on the spider fauna of New England. Psyche 48: 143, pl. 48: f. 2a-2c.
- *See above