Sitticus fasciger (Simon, 1880) - Asian Wall Jumper

Richman, Cutler & Hill 2012
Sitticus fasciger was likely introduced into North America in the late 1950s. While the fate of most introduced species is
bleak successful colonizers often prosper, at times at the expense of native organisms. One factor that, in part, may account for the success of S. fasciger is the spider's use of man-made structures. Synanthropic species (see Cutler, 1990 and discussion under Naphrys pulex) may benefit from the concentration of potential prey on the exterior brick, stone, and wood surfaces of numerous artificial structures. Another advantage gained by S. fasciger in occupying this niche is the jumper's ability to feed at night where fixtures for nightime illumination are present.
Wolff, 1981; Matsumoto and Yasunosuke, 1987
Massachusetts - First State / County Records

- ♦ *D. Walton - Sitticus fasciger - Middlesex (Concord), August 2009 - See video; pers. comm. W. Maddison, 2009
♦ Connecticut - Kaston, 1981: 953
This species has not been recorded from Connecticut . . .
- *Sitticus fasciger is likely widespread and abundant in Massachusetts but little effort has been made to collect or document this species.
Cutler, Bruce 1990. Synanthropic Salticidae
Of The Northeast United States. Peckhamia 2(6): 91-92