Salticus scenicus (Clerck, 1757) – Zebra Jumping Spider

Richman, Cutler & Hill 2012
Hentz’s 1846 description of this salticid states, This species was found common in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on walls, on the south side. Because of its holarctic (occurring on all the northern continents) distribution and its propensity to live around human habitations, Salticus scenicus is one of the more commonly observed salticids. Often referred to as zebra jumper, its striped abdomen (white stripes on a reddish brown or black ground) make this spider an easy one to identify. S. scenicus may be abundant in its preferred habitats and makes a good subject for the naturalist to observe and/or photograph typical salticid behaviors including prey stalking and copulation.

Massachusetts – First State / County Records
- ♦ N. M. Hentz – Epiblemum faustum – Middlesex (Cambridge) – *Hentz, 1846: 367, pl. 22, f. 17
- ♦ **BSNH – Salticus scenicus – Suffolk (Boston), Berkshire (Williamstown) – Bryant, 1908: 93
- ♦ T. Murray – S. s. – Franklin (Orange), June 2004 – BugGuide node 13460
- ♦ T. Murray – S. s. – Essex (Plum Island), June 2005 – BugGuide node 22425
♦ Connecticut – S. s. – Kaston, 1948: 453
Very common all over the State.
*Although Hentz’s 1846 publication is the first to give unambiguous locality data for Massachusetts (Cambridge, Massachusetts
) no date is recorded. However, it is highly likely he observed this spider in Massachusetts in the early 1820s. His son’s biographical sketch relates that after residing in Philadelphia Hentz moved to Massachusetts and attended Harvard during the winter of 1820 – 1821. Hentz then moved to the western part of the state where he taught at a private school in Northampton. Hentz married in 1824 and in the same year moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (Burgess, 1875)
**See Bryant, 1908