Salticus palpalis (Banks, 1904)
Richman, Cutler& Hill 2012
When writing the “Species Details” on these pages I regularly turn to the Peckhams’ 1909 Revision of the Attidae of North America. Well over a century old it is a classic in many ways. To begin with the Peckhams transformed Hentz’ pioneering efforts, the first important study of arachnids in North America yet often no more than a series of sparse records, into a comprehensive faunal treatment including synonomy, precise measurements of both males and females, detailed physical descriptions, record citations, and competent illustrations. J. H. Emerton deserves mention here for his contribution to the Peckhams published drawings. Also critical to the Peckhams’ success was a cadre of arachnophiles across North America and the efforts necessary for an ongoing correspondence. Here is an excerpt from the Peckhams’ account of Salticus palpalis and a small example of their attention to detail.
The cephalothorax seems to have been covered above with iridescent rose-colored scales, which change to green on the sides and behind. Over the front row of eyes are three white spots, and around the margin is a broad white band which crosses the clypeus. The abdomen is entirely without iridescence, the color being bright brick-red, with four transverse pure white bands, the last of them at the spinnerets.
Peckham& Peckham, 1909