Rhetenor texanus (Gertsch, 1936)
Richman, Cutler& Hill 2012
Aside from the male holotype and the female allotype (both specimens at the American Museum of Natural History, see BugGuide link below), this species is known from only a few additional records – all from south Texas. Although little is known of the life history of Rhetenor texanus several observers have commented on its irradic and uncharacteristic (as compared to other salticids) movements. GB Edwards collected (1 November 2015) the individual shown here from thornscrub habitat (see image below) in an area dominated by mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), Texas ebony (Pithecellobium flexicaule), huisache (Acacia smallii), and lead trees (Leucaena leucocephala).
Gertsch, 1936
BugGuide – Rhetenor texanus