Hasarius adansoni (Audouin, 1825)

Richman, Cutler & Hill 2012
First described in 1825 and named for the French naturalist Michel Adanson, Hasarius adansoni is found around the globe in warmer climates including in China, Taiwan, and Australia. Often referred to as Adanson’s House Spider, this species has been introduced into many non-native situations often on or around man-made structures such as greenhouses, zoo buildings, and residential dwellings. Although there are records for H. adansoni in Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia this synanthropic (see discussion under Naphrys pulex) species has previously been characterized as “not established” in the United States. However, the individuals shown in the video were found in two city parks (McKelvey Park and Hugh Ramsey Nature Park) in Cameron Co., Harlingen, Texas in November of 2012 and it seems reasonable to assume H. adansoni now has established feral populations. A third individual was observed in the old campground at Estero Llano Grande State Park in Hidalgo Co., Weslaco, Texas.
Richman, Cutler and Hill, 2012; Wikipedia
Massachusetts – First State / County Records
- ♦ *MCZ – Sidusa borealis – Middlesex (Cambridge), 2 December 1928 – Catalog # 51569
- ♦ – Hasarius adansonii – Barnstable (Woods Hole) – Kaston, 1948: 494
*Data accompanying the MCZ record listed above states the specimen was
caught in theGreenhouse of Botanic Garden
and thus makes it highly probable the spider was introduced on one of the exotic plants kept at the greenhouse. -
♦ Connecticut – Hasarius adansonii – Kaston, 1948
This spider has not been collected in Connecticut. It is common in the tropics and has been taken at Cambridge and Woods Hole, Mass.
- Kaston, B.J. 1948. Spiders of Connecticut. State Geological Natural History Survey of Connecticut. Survey, Dept of Environ. Protection, State Office Bld, Hartford, CN 06115