Hyetussa complicata (Gertsch, 1936)
Richman, Cutler & Hill 2012
Previously Bredana complicata. The genera Micalula Strand, 1932 and Bredana Gertsch 1936 have both been snonymized with Hyetussa Simon, 1902. See Bustamente et al. below.
Both Bredana complicata and its congener B. alternata occur in south Texas thornscrub (see image below) in areas dominated by mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), Texas ebony (Pithecellobium flexicaule), huisache (Acacia smallii), and lead (Leucaena leucocephala) trees. Individuals of both species shown in the videos were collected during the first half of November. While only 2 B. alternata (both females) were collected during several days in the field, B. complicata was more consistently seen and/or collected during the same period (in excess of 6 males and 4 females).
B. complicata was regularly observed in association with two species (possibly 2 castes of a single species) of ants; typically the spider was on (possibly in at times) the dead limbs of huisache (Acacia smallii) inhabited by an active ant colony. Image, below.
Identification note: B. complicata mature males have a single pair of lateral abdominal spots, females have two pairs. pers. comm. GB Edwards
Bustamante, A. A. & Ruiz, G. R. S. 2017. Systematics of Thiodinini
Gertsch, 1936